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ROBBTAWN is more than just a production company founded by Charlie Robb and Douglas Tawn:


It is an idea. A vision. A way of life.


But primarily it's a production company founded by Charlie Robb and Douglas Tawn.


Robb and Tawn met while studying at Cambridge University in 2014. Since then, they have written and performed a slew of live comedy shows in London and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.


They cut their teeth in filmmaking while living together in London, creating online sketches and short films for the internet/worldwide web.


Now well into their prime, Robb and Tawn have written several TV pilot and feature film scripts. They are working closely with other production companies to develop their own, personal TV and Radio ideas. Their short film Séance was nominated for Best English Short Film at the British Short Film Awards in 2023, as well appearing at London Independent Film Festival and Copenhagen Short Film Festival. They have recently completed filming their debut feature film, Loner, which is currently in post-production. 

To get in touch, visit Contact to do the obvious (I mean, you’re not stupid).






Charlie Robb.jpg

Charlie Robb is (in alphabetical order) an actor, artist, comedian, director and writer based in London.


Robb began his career at the age of zero, with his birth in Preston, Lancashire in 1995.


After some formative years of being alive, Robb was 16 when he achieved a diploma in filmmaking from New York Film Academy in 2011.

He pursued comedy writing and performing while at Cambridge University, starring in sell-out comedy shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2014, 2016 and 2017, the latter of which toured London theatres.


In 2018, Charlie starred in the indie horror feature Here Comes Hell

(“Best of the Fest” Glasgow Frightfest, 2019), which achieved critical acclaim, and featured at film festivals in London, Seattle, Los Angeles, Sydney and Sweden. 


Robb is also an artist, with collectors of his work across the world, and whose paintings have been exhibited in London, New York City, Italy and South Korea.


Robb’s favourite films are The Lost Boys, Ratatouille and feature-length YouTube compilations of Keith Floyd.


Douglas Tawn is a writer, director, actor and musician based in London, which is in the UK.


After tragically being born in Kettering in 1994, Tawn began his career by writing and directing comedy plays for his school’s annual drama competition. Sadly, upon completing his A Levels, he was forced to attend university, where he met Charlie Robb, with whom he collaborated on further comedy shows. 


Douglas has written and directed multiple shows at the Edinburgh Fringe, which also played at various London venues. Since then, he has honed his skills as a writer, director and actor, creating numerous comedy sketches and short films with Charlie, as well scripts for radio, film and TV.


In addition to being the co-founder of ROBBTAWN, Douglas is also president (and sole member) of the fan club. On top of working as a screenwriter, director and actor, Douglas has also had poems published in several literary journals.


Douglas's favourite films are Jaws, The Wicker Man (1973) and The Wicker Man (2006) -- or to give them their collective title, The Wicker Men. 




Romantic Ecnounters In A Darkened Room

Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe, 2017

London Theatres 2016-17

Writers: Charlie Robb & Douglas Tawn

Starring: Charlie Robb

Director: Douglas Tawn

Farewell Tim

Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe, 2016

Pleasance Theatre, Islington, 2016

Corpus Playroom, Cambridge, 2015

Writer/Performers: Charlie Robb & Sam Knights

Directors: Douglas Tawn & Hazel Lawrence


Pleasance Theatre, Islington, 2014

Corpus Playroom, Cambridge, 2015

Writers/Performers: Charlie Robb & Douglas Tawn

Director: Gareth Mattey

Breaking Down

Corpus Playroom, Cambridge, 2014

Writer/Performers: Charlie Robb, Douglas Tawn, Jake Spence, Henry Wilkinson

©RobbTawn Ltd., 2023.

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